Looking to update your business hours on Facebook? Whether you’re extending your opening hours or need to make a temporary change, it’s important to keep your customers informed. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to change your business hours on Facebook, ensuring that your online presence accurately reflects your operating schedule. With millions of users relying on Facebook for information, it’s crucial to provide up-to-date and accurate details about when your business is open. So, let’s dive in and learn how to easily update your business hours on Facebook!

Key Takeaways

  • Updating your business hours on Facebook is crucial for providing accurate information to your customers and maintaining a positive customer experience.
  • By regularly updating your business hours on Facebook, you can avoid confusion or disappointment that may arise from outdated information.
  • Managing customer expectations by reflecting any changes to your regular hours on your Facebook page helps customers plan their visits accordingly.
  • Providing up-to-date and accurate information about your business hours on Facebook builds trust and confidence in your brand.
  • Updating your business hours on Facebook enhances your visibility in local search results, increasing the chances of attracting potential customers.
  • Consistency, regular updates, and considering customer expectations are important factors to keep in mind when updating your business hours on Facebook.

Why it’s important to update your business hours on Facebook

Keeping your customers informed about your business hours is crucial for any business, and updating your business hours on Facebook is an essential part of that. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a vast platform where people turn to find information about businesses. Ensuring that your online presence accurately reflects your operating schedule is key to maintaining a positive customer experience and maximizing your business’s potential.

  1. Provide accurate information: Your customers rely on accurate information to plan their visits. By regularly updating your business hours on Facebook, you can avoid any confusion or disappointment that may arise from outdated information. Whether you have adjusted your hours for a holiday, a special event, or a change in operating hours, keeping your customers in the loop ensures they can make informed decisions.
  2. Manage customer expectations: Updating your business hours on Facebook allows you to manage customer expectations. If there are any changes to your regular hours, such as shorter operating times or extensions during busy periods, it’s important to reflect these changes on your Facebook page. This prevents misunderstandings and helps your customers plan their visits accordingly.
  3. Boost customer trust: Providing up-to-date and accurate information demonstrates your commitment to your customers’ satisfaction. When customers see that you take the time to keep your Facebook page updated with the latest business hours, it builds trust and confidence in your brand. In contrast, outdated information can lead to frustration and a negative perception of your business.
  4. Enhance local search visibility: Facebook is not only a popular social media platform, but it is also a powerful tool for local search. When users search for businesses in their area, Facebook pages often appear in the search results. By updating your business hours on Facebook, you increase the chances of appearing in these local search results and attracting potential customers to your business.

Remember, keeping your business hours up to date on Facebook is a simple but necessary task. It allows you to provide accurate information, manage customer expectations, boost trust, and enhance your visibility in local search results. By prioritizing the accuracy of your business hours on Facebook, you can ensure that your customers have the best possible experience when engaging with your business.

Step 1: Access your Facebook Page settings

To change your business hours on Facebook, you’ll need to access your Facebook Page settings. Follow these steps to make the necessary updates:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to your business Page.
  2. On your Page, locate and click on the “Settings” tab at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. In the left-hand column of the Settings page, click on “Page Info.”

Once you’ve accessed your Page settings, you’ll be able to update various aspects of your business information, including your business hours.

It’s important to note that only Page admins have the ability to make changes to the business hours. Make sure you are logged in with the appropriate admin account before proceeding.

By accessing your Facebook Page settings, you gain control over the accuracy and visibility of your business hours. This is important for conveying up-to-date information to your customers and ensuring a smooth customer experience.

Let’s move on to the next step in the process of changing your business hours on Facebook.

Step 2: Navigate to the “About” section

Once you’re on your Facebook Page, the next step is to navigate to the “About” section. This is where you can update various details about your business, including your business hours.

To access the “About” section, follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate the navigation tabs below your Facebook Page’s cover photo.
  2. Click on the “About” tab.

The “About” section is where you can provide important information about your business, such as your location, contact details, and of course, your business hours. It’s crucial to keep this section up to date so that your customers have the correct information when planning their visits.

Remember, your Facebook Page serves as your online storefront, and having accurate business hours displayed can help you manage customer expectations and build trust. It’s essential to make it as easy as possible for potential customers to find this information so that they can have a seamless experience interacting with your business.

Updating your business hours in the “About” section not only provides valuable information to your customers but also enhances the visibility of your business in local search results. When someone searches for businesses nearby, having accurate business hours on your Facebook Page can increase the chances of your business appearing in their search results.

Now that you know how to navigate to the “About” section, let’s move on to the next step: updating your business hours.

Step 3: Edit your business hours

Now that you have accessed your Facebook Page settings and navigated to the “About” section, it’s time to update your business hours. This step is crucial for providing accurate information to your customers and ensuring a smooth customer experience.

  1. In the “About” section, scroll down until you find the “Hours” option. Click on it to expand the section.
  2. Here, you will see the days of the week listed, starting with Monday. To edit the business hours for a specific day, simply click on the pencil icon next to that day.
  3. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to enter the opening and closing times for that day. You can also specify if your business is closed on that day by selecting the “Closed” option.
  4. Once you have entered the desired opening and closing times, click on the “Save” button to save your changes. Repeat this process for each day of the week as needed.

Remember, it’s important to accurately reflect your business hours on Facebook to provide customers with the most up-to-date information. This helps them plan their visits and manage their expectations, which ultimately leads to a positive customer experience.

Updating your business hours on Facebook also has the added benefit of enhancing your visibility in local search results. When someone searches for businesses in your area, having accurate and updated business hours increases the chances of your business appearing in those search results.

By following these simple steps, you can easily edit your business hours on Facebook and ensure that your online presence accurately reflects your operating schedule. Take a few moments to update your business hours now and reap the benefits of providing accurate information to your customers.

Step 4: Save your changes

Once you have made the necessary updates to your business hours on Facebook, it’s important to save your changes. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the “Edit Business Hours” section.
  2. You will see a blue button labeled “Save Changes.” Click on it.
  3. Facebook will then confirm that your changes have been saved successfully.

It’s crucial to ensure that you save your changes to make sure that your updated business hours are reflected on your Facebook Page. By doing so, you are providing your customers with accurate and up-to-date information about your operating hours.

Remember, failing to save your changes will result in your old business hours still being displayed on your Facebook Page. This can mislead your customers and potentially lead to dissatisfaction if they arrive at your business outside of the stated hours.

Saving your changes also has the added benefit of improving your visibility in local search results. When potential customers search for businesses like yours, accurate and updated business hours play a vital role in determining whether your business appears in those search results.

So, don’t forget to save your changes after you have edited your business hours on Facebook. It’s a simple step that ensures your online presence accurately reflects your operating schedule and enhances customer experience.

Tip: Double-check your changes before saving them to ensure that your business hours are correct and match your actual operating hours.

Keep reading to learn why updating your business hours on Facebook is so important.

Things to consider when updating your business hours on Facebook

When it comes to updating your business hours on Facebook, there are a few key things to keep in mind. By considering these factors, you can ensure that your business information is accurate, up-to-date, and provides value to your customers. Here are some important things to consider:

1. Consistency is key: Your business hours on Facebook should align with your actual operating hours. Inconsistencies can lead to confusion and frustration for your customers. Make sure to double-check that your updated business hours accurately reflect when you are open for business.

2. Update regularly: It’s essential to regularly review and update your business hours on Facebook, especially if there are any changes to your operating schedule. This includes holidays, special events, or any other circumstances that may affect your regular business hours. By keeping your information up-to-date, you can provide your customers with the most accurate and reliable information.

3. Be mindful of customer expectations: Your business hours on Facebook set expectations for your customers. If your hours are inaccurate or outdated, it can result in disappointed customers who were expecting to find your business open when it’s actually closed. By ensuring that your business hours are accurate, you can manage your customers’ expectations and provide a better experience.

4. Consider seasonal changes: If your business operates on different hours during certain seasons, make sure to update your business hours accordingly on Facebook. Whether it’s extended hours during the holidays or reduced hours during the summer, accurately reflecting these changes on your Facebook Page helps customers plan their visits and avoids any confusion.

5. Communicate unforeseen closures: In the event of unforeseen closures, such as inclement weather or emergencies, it’s important to update your business hours on Facebook promptly. This helps prevent customers from making unnecessary trips to your business and showcases your commitment to keeping them informed.

Remember, accurately updating your business hours on Facebook is vital for providing your customers with the information they need to plan their visits and manage their expectations. By taking the time to consider these factors, you can ensure that your business hours on Facebook are accurate, up-to-date, and enhance the overall customer experience.


Updating your business hours on Facebook is a crucial step in providing accurate and up-to-date information to your customers. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can easily access your Facebook Page settings and navigate to the “About” section to make the necessary changes.

Accurately reflecting your business hours on Facebook helps your customers plan their visits, manage their expectations, and ultimately have a positive experience with your business. It also increases your visibility in local search results, making it more likely for potential customers to find your business.

Remember to save your changes after updating your business hours to ensure that the updated information is reflected on your Facebook Page. Failing to save your changes can mislead customers and potentially lead to dissatisfaction.

Additionally, consider other factors such as consistency, regular updates, managing customer expectations, reflecting seasonal changes, and communicating unforeseen closures when updating your business hours on Facebook. By considering these factors, you can ensure that your business hours are accurate, up-to-date, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Take the time to double-check your changes before saving them to ensure that your business hours are correct and match your actual operating hours. By doing so, you can provide your customers with reliable information and maintain a positive online presence.

Updating your business hours on Facebook is a simple yet effective way to keep your customers informed and ensure a seamless customer experience. So take the necessary steps today and make sure your business hours on Facebook are accurate and up-to-date.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it important to update my business hours on Facebook?

A: Accurately reflecting your business hours on Facebook is crucial for providing customers with up-to-date information, helping them plan their visits, manage their expectations, and have a positive customer experience. It also enhances your visibility in local search results, increasing the chances of appearing in those search results.

Q: How do I update my business hours on Facebook?

A: To update your business hours on Facebook, access your Facebook Page settings, navigate to the “About” section, and make the necessary changes. It is important to save your changes to ensure that your updated business hours are reflected accurately on your Facebook Page.

Q: What happens if I don’t save my changes after updating my business hours on Facebook?

A: Failing to save your changes can mislead customers and potentially lead to dissatisfaction. Additionally, not saving your changes can affect your visibility in local search results as the updated business hours will not be reflected.

Q: What are some factors to consider when updating business hours on Facebook?

A: When updating your business hours on Facebook, consider factors such as consistency, regular updates, managing customer expectations, reflecting seasonal changes, and communicating unforeseen closures. These factors ensure that your business hours are accurate, up-to-date, and enhance the overall customer experience.

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